3 Main Reasons We Are Getting More and More Sick in the United States

We’re in a pretty big mess in the United States when it comes to our health. Here are some statistics I want to start off with because I think you might find them very surprising. I’ve placed all my references at the bottom of this article if you have any interest in diving deeper into any of these topics.

  • Nearly 75% of Americans are overweight or obese¹. U.S. obesity rates have tripled over the last 60 years². TRIPLED. Don’t you find that astounding?

  • 50% of Americans have prediabetes (38%) or diabetes (11.6%).³

  • The U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate compared to any other developed country (i.e. the most infants who die between birth and 1 year of age). (4)

  • The U.S. spends 2x more annually on healthcare expenses than any other developed country - except we die younger and are less healthy. (5,6)

Spend more = Worse outcomes

That doesn’t seem to make sense….

I could go on and on with examples, but I think you get the point. As Americans, we are unhealthy and it seems to be getting worse and worse despite our best efforts.

Why are we so sick then?

Let’s dive in.

There are 3 main reasons we are getting more and more sick in the United States:

Our food is addictive.

You read that right. Similar to cigarettes, alcohol, and even opioid pain medication, our food in America is addictive and made that way on purpose. (7) It has ingredients in it that make us less satiated and keep us wanting to eat more. It’s ultra-processed and hyper-palatable with artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, “natural flavors”, and many ingredients that most of us can’t pronounce. All these additives make us want to eat more and more because of the affect it has on our brains (and blood sugar).

Healthcare is the fastest growing industry and an enormous money maker.

Think about it, if we were all healthy, that doesn’t make for a very profitable healthcare industry, does it? But what would? Let’s think back to our food being addictive.

If we’re eating more ultra-processed, hyper-palatable food that is making us more sick, wouldn’t we have to eventually go to more doctors, take more prescriptions, have more surgeries, and spend more money attempting to manage our health? Of course, we would!

The sad reality is that healthy people don’t financially benefit the healthcare industry.

We live very sedentary lifestyles.

Only 46% of American adults do 150 minutes per week of aerobic activity - which is something as simple as walking. 24% (even fewer Americans) do aerobic activity (i.e. walking) + 2 days per week of strength training that involves all major muscle groups. (8)

Add in the COVID epidemic and a shift to working from home, it’s easy to say that we aren’t moving our bodies enough.

So, what can we do?

Decide to make a change. One of the easiest things we can each start doing is focusing more on fueling our bodies with healthier foods. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store focusing on clean meats, fresh fish, fruits, and vegetables. If this seems like a drastic change from what you’re currently doing - it is a HUGE change for most - just simply start looking at the ingredients in the food that you are purchasing and get curious. Is any of it surprising? Do you know what it is? If you don’t know what it is, how does your body know what to do with it to provide optimal health for your body? The harsh likelihood is that it doesn’t. Our bodies have no clue how to process and utilize the long list of unknown ingredients we are feeding to it. How is it going to optimally fuel us if that’s the case?

Become your own healthcare advocate. The days of going to the doctor and blindly doing whatever you’re told are over. Does that mean you shouldn’t listen to your doctor? I didn’t say that. What I am saying is that we live in an era where information is at our fingertips. It is our responsibility to take advantage of that and do our due diligence! Take the information that your doctor gives you, research it, ask more questions, and decide if that is the best recommendation for your needs and goals. That being said, don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis because that’s not a good place to be either. Collect information, assess what approach is best for you, make a decision, and take action knowing that you have made the best decision with the information that you have in that moment. Don’t get stuck continually researching because that will never solve your problem.

Build your healthcare dream team. Part of making changes and being your own health advocate is finding the healthcare providers that can help support you in the way you feel is most appropriate. Find your people. If you don’t like your current primary care doctor, find another one. Don’t just go without one. Even if you are Mrs. Super Crunchy Holistic Everything (I see you!), you should still have a primary care doctor. If you’re looking for someone who has a more holistic approach to health and wellness and your primary care provider doesn’t provide the holistic approach that you are looking for, you might need to find a completely separate practitioner to fill that spot. That’s usually where we come into the picture. In addition to a primary care provider and integrative wellness practitioner, don’t forget about other providers that can help support your wellness journey like a mental health therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, physical trainer, physical therapist, massage therapist, and many more. Our bodies are complex. We need a variety of professionals to support all of our needs especially when we are trying to live healthier lives that are outside the norm.

As you can see, the numbers I shared above are screaming that we need to do something different. Our medical system is great at handling acute situations like an infection, car accident, or broken bone, but it’s clear that our medical system is failing us when it comes to keeping us healthy and providing preventative medicine. It’s up to each of us to take matters into our own hands.

If you’re ready to approach your health differently and get the answers you’ve been seeking, book your Personalized Health Consultation now! We would love to help you!

PS: Head to the bottom of this page to subscribe to our newsletter for early access to new blog posts, plus healthy tips, recipes, and more—delivered straight to your inbox!

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/search/research-news/12328/#:~:text=That includes nearly 43 percent who are considered obese.

  2. https://usafacts.org/articles/obesity-rate-nearly-triples-united-states-over-last-50-years/#:~:text=Age-adjusted nationwide obesity and,2017-2018

  3. https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/php/data-research/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/data/statistics-report/index.html

  4. https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/infant-mortality-u-s-compare-countries/

  5. https://www.kff.org/health-policy-101-international-comparison-of-health-systems/?entry=table-of-contents-how-does-health-spending-in-the-u-s-compare-to-other-countries#

  6. https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2023/jan/us-health-care-global-perspective-2022

  7. https://www.psychiatryredefined.org/food-addiction-dairy-and-wheat/#:~:text=In some people%2C however%2C gluten, drugs like heroin and morphine.

  8. https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-09/Physical_Activity_Guidelines_2nd_edition.pdf

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The Shore Integrative Health Team
(443) 339-9713

Shore Integrative Health Team