How To Learn About Your Health

Beginning your health journey can seem daunting. Not knowing how to reach out or who to reach out to, not knowing what to say on top of a fear of being ignored. All of these are normal and common!

At Shore Integrative Health, we want you to feel confident and heard. 

Who do I reach out to? 

Google is a good friend! You can start by opening google (or any search engine) and typing “Functional medicine near me” into the search bar. This will bring up several different practitioners. Now, it’s your job to investigate and decide who you’d like to contact. 

NOTE Never hesitate to transfer to a new practitioner! Our goal is for you to have the best care you can receive, if you feel like you aren’t getting just that, switch!

How do I reach out? 

Send an email! Give them a call!

Most offices have contact methods on their website. 

What do I say? 

Turning how your body feels into words can be discouraging, especially when you’ve been shut down by doctor after doctor. At Shore Integrative Health, we strive to make you feel comfortable talking about what is bothering you. 

Give it a bit of thought…

Am I having stomach issues?

Sleep problems?


Irregular menstrual cycle?

Rashes/skin irritation?

Regular headaches?

Isolated pains?

Any issue you have, no matter how small or insignificant it seems, should be mentioned to your doctor. While it is their job to help you, they need some help from you to figure out the best way to do that! 

Staying on track 

While starting can be complicated, it can be even tougher to continue your journey and stay on track. 

Living healthy begins with day-to-day decisions. Try swapping what you are currently eating for slightly better options. Continuing to do this every day will make a significant impact on your overall health and you’ll feel it too! 

We all know there’s more we can do to lead a healthier lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean we know how to start or how to keep going.


Beginning to exercise doesn’t necessarily mean you need to join a gym today and start working out all the time. 

You can start with just a daily walk. 

Think you don’t have time to take a walk? Here are some everyday opportunities:

  • Early morning. 

  • Lunch break.

  • After-dinner. 

  • Going on a walk right after you get home from work.  

Every week add something new to challenge yourself. 

Increase your walking distance

Begin daily breathwork and stretches

Food swaps

Swapping out food you eat daily with something healthier. 

If you drink multiple sodas throughout the day, aim to bring down the number to one soda, then maybe switch to tea eventually your main drink will be water.

Reminder: what you put in your drink (cream, milk, sugar) is just as impactful as the drink itself.


Having a support system to hold you accountable will keep you going! Whether it’s a friend, family member, partner, or doctor. Anyone who can be in your door and hold you accountable. 

Book your Personalized Health Consultation now!

Stop collecting symptoms and start collecting solutions.

Ready to transform uncertainty into understanding? Your future self will thank you for taking this step.

We’d love to be a part of your wellness journey!

The Shore Integrative Health Team

(443) 339-9713