What Is A Dutch Panel?
The functional medicine model of care offers a patient-centered approach to finding out the root cause of illness.
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The Solution To Your Hormone Imbalance Might Be Different Than What You Thought
You go to the gynecologist. They ask you if anything is bothering you and you say you feel like your hormones are off balance. You list the reasons you feel this way. They suggest trying a birth control pill. You have been down that road before, so you say, "I was wondering if I could have my hormones tested". Their response gives you the impression there is nothing they can do outside of prescribing some type of birth control (i.e. pill, IUD, injection, implant, etc.), but you’re just not interested in that.
You take the slip for your blood work to the lab and find yourself hoping that something comes up abnormal so you can get some answers. The lab test comes back and you’re told that everything is normal. “You’re fine.”
The problem is that you don’t feel fine, and you’re not getting any answers.
It would make anyone frustrated.
Sadly, this seems to be a common occurrence.
But what if the solution might be as simple as a comprehensive hormone panel that you do in the comfort of your own home & some targeted supplementation?
The DUTCH Panel Explained: An Comprehensive Tool To Check Your Hormones & Much More
Hormones can be tested a number of ways: blood, saliva, and urine.
There are pros and cons to each method, but let’s focus on urine collection.
DUTCH = Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones
In blood, hormones are predominately tied up to binding proteins like sex hormone binding globulin; therefore, they might not be the best way to check your hormone levels depending on your particular circumstances.
One of the great things about checking hormones via urine is that it shows you how your body is metabolizing those hormones. Those specific substances are called metabolites. The reason they’re important is because what your body is doing with the hormones is often just as important as the hormone level itself.
Another benefit is that it checks other markers that impact hormone levels and their metabolites:
glutathione (master antioxidant)
brain chemicals like dopamine, norepinephrine, & epinephrine
Targeted supplementation based on the results from a DUTCH panel can provide symptomatic relief, help rebalance your body, and put you on a better path to health and wellness. No birth control pill needed. Is that a guarantee? No, because everyone’s body is different, but it happens in the vast majority of people.
What Hormones A DUTCH Panel Checks & Why It Matters
With the DUTCH Complete panel, the following are tested:
Metabolites of estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol
Free cortisol pattern
Organic acid metabolites of B12, B6, glutathione, 8-OHDG (oxidative stress), and neurotransmitters
You don’t necessarily HAVE to get this test done to help balance your hormones; but if the basics don’t improve the symptoms, it can be extremely helpful to see what exactly is going on so it can be targeted appropriately. Hormone production is a very intricate process and balancing can often require a multi-faceted approach. That’s why a comprehensive hormone panel is so important. Hormone imbalance can be caused by something as simple as a vitamin deficiency, your liver not detoxing correctly, or too much stress. With an in-depth functional test, all the possibilities can be examined.
We have been made to think that PMS or being moody before our periods is the norm. It is NOT normal to have symptoms varying throughout your cycle.
You do not have to keep feeling this way!
If you think your hormones are off balance, book a consult with us today and we will help you get to the root!
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If you need help navigating your health concerns or want our experts to be a partner in your preventative health journey, schedule a Free Discover Call today, or if you have questions give us a call!
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Written by Virginia Conner, PA-C