Breastfeeding, let’s talk about it!

How many times have you heard that breastfeeding is natural? Raise your hand! 🙋‍♀️ Lord knows we all have heard that. It might be a “natural” thing but that doesn’t mean you just “naturally” know precisely what to do as a brand new momma breastfeeding for the first time. Not knowing what the h&$# you’re doing is NORMAL!!! Lactation consultants are your guides when it comes to navigating breastfeeding. Here’s a great resource to find one local to you. Breastfeeding support and information 

Did you know that studies have shown that babies who are breastfed are at a lower risk of being overweight as an adult? With obesity being one of the leading contributors to metabolic disorders increased likelihood of hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes; and increased healthcare spending, this is so important! Additionally, breastfeeding helps a mother's health and healing following childbirth. Breastfeeding leads to a lower risk of health problems in mothers such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, certain types of breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

But what is breastmilk?

Your breastmilk is customized to what your baby needs, and with their needs constantly changing, so is your breastmilk…

Your milk starts as colostrum. This is high in protein, beta-carotene, and immune factors, and is low in water, fat, and overall volume. Colostrum provides high amounts of several antibodies.

It then becomes transitional milk and this lasts for about two weeks. Transitional milk contains more calories than colostrum, in your transitional milk, are high levels of lactose, fat, and water-soluble vitamins.

Mature milk is the final stage of milk that your breasts will produce.

Your mature milk will constantly change to suit what your baby needs and is comprised of foremilk and hindmilk.

  • Foremilk is the type of milk found at the beginning of the feeding session. It is watery and high in vitamins. It is found at the beginning of the feeding session.

  • Hindmilk occurs after the initial release of milk. It is higher in fats than foremilk and is necessary for weight gain.

The amount of fat in your mature milk will change as you feed your baby, let your baby empty the breast on one side before moving to the other breast during each feeding to ensure the baby gets the right mixture of nutrients.

Your mature milk will help build your baby’s gut bacteria and boost their immune system!

Here are some steps you can take right after birth to get you off to a great start breastfeeding

  • Skin-to-skin! Cuddle with your baby skin-to-skin right away after giving birth if possible.

  • Begin to breastfeed as soon as you can after giving birth.

  • Ask for a lactation consultant to help you.

  • Keep from giving your baby any pacifiers or artificial nipples until they are good at latching on to your breast (around 3 to 4 weeks old).

  • Ask the hospital staff not to give your baby pacifiers, sugar water, or formula, unless it is medically necessary.

Learning your baby's hunger signs will become very important, once your baby starts crying it will be harder for them to latch and get a good feed. 

Here are some signs your baby might be hungry:

  • The baby becomes more active and alert

  • Putting their hands or fists up toward their mouth

  • Making sucking motions with their mouth 

  • Turning their head in search of your breast (known as rooting)

Tip: Crying can be a late sign of hunger, and it may be more challenging for the baby to latch if they are upset. Over time, you will be able to learn your baby's cues for when to start feeding.

No one is perfect, and as with everything, breastfeeding takes time, patience, and practice. A good support system will make this process easier for you and your baby. Here is a resource on how anyone who is involved in your breastfeeding journey can support you ->  Talk to fathers, partners, and other family members 

Book your appointment online or call 443-339-9713. We are happy to help you navigate your particular situation so you get the right test for YOU.

In health,

The Shore Integrative Health Team

Stop collecting symptoms and start collecting solutions.

Ready to transform uncertainty into understanding? Your future self will thank you for taking this step.

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The Shore Integrative Health Team

(443) 339-9713

508 Idlewild Avenue, Unit 5
Easton, MD 21601