Understanding The Difference Between Antigen & PCR COVID Testing
Are you sick of trying to figure out the difference between COVID tests? Antigen. PCR. RT-PCR. Real-time PCR. Reverse transcriptase PCR. NAAT. It might as well be a different language.
When it comes to testing, it gets a little weird. Let's make it easier because it really isn't rocket science.
In very general terms, the difference has to do with HOW the test comes up with the test result. Another way to look at it is by asking, "What process is the device going through in order to deliver the test result?" That's the difference between antigen and PCR tests - simply HOW it comes up with the test result.
To take things one step further, PCR tests are a type of molecular test. "Molecular tests" is more of an umbrella term for several different types of tests (i.e. PCR, RT-PCR, real-time PCR, NAAT, etc.).
Are antigen tests a type of anything? Is there some umbrella term for them, too? No. Antigen is antigen.
In more specific terms....
What's an antigen test?
COVID-19 antigen tests detect proteins, called antigens, from the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19
Source: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/home-covid-19-antigen-tests-take-steps-reduce-your-risk-false-negative-fda-safety-communication#:~:text=At%2Dhome%20COVID%2D19%20antigen%20tests%20detect%20proteins%2C%20called,chain%20reaction%20(PCR)%20tests.
What's a PCR test?
PCR means polymerase chain reaction. It’s a test to detect genetic material from a specific organism, such as a virus. The test detects the presence of a virus if you have the virus at the time of the test. The test could also detect fragments of the virus even after you are no longer infected.
Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/21462-covid-19-and-pcr-testing
An important take away is this though: antigen tests are typically less accurate than PCR tests. Does that mean they're useless? No, but it's good to realize that antigen tests are not as reliable as PCR tests IN GENERAL TERMS.
Here at Shore Integrative Health, our antigen test is still over 90% accurate. That's incredible for an antigen test! Some antigen tests have only 50% accuracy. Can you believe that? Side note: we don't use any of those at our facility.
Not All Antigen Tests Are Created Equal
When you are getting a COVID test from a laboratory, you tend to be getting a better quality test compared to the "at home" antigen tests. The "quality" is actually referring to the accuracy or how likely the test is to deliver a false positive or false negative result.
What's a false positive? A positive test result that really is not positive. In other words, the result on the test says positive, but the person who was tested is actually negative.
What's a false negative? A negative test result that really is not negative. In other words, the result on the test says negative, but the person who was tested is actually positive.
You could definitely see how a false positive could be very inconvenient at the very least and a false negative wouldn't be a good thing at all. That would mean that there's someone walking around with an infection thinking that they don't have it.
When you go to a facility that is using high quality (i.e. high accuracy) tests, the likelihood of a false test result happening is much less likely.
The unfortunate reality is that all tests... that's right, ALL tests (COVID or otherwise) have the risk of these false results. It's just how it is in the testing world.
So, to mitigate that, it's important to use a facility who cares about what types of tests they are using. Just like there are different makes and models of cars, there are different brands of tests. Don't fall into the rabbit hole, please. The point is for you to understand that there are a wide variety of tests out there. Not every facility uses the same tests nor does every facility care about the accuracy that their test is delivering to their patient.
Is it important for you to know what test the facility uses? No. But you definitely have the right as a patient to know the QUALITY of the test they are using.
We source the best accuracy tests available on the market to use for our community regardless of cost because we want you to receive the right test result! That's what we would want to receive if we were the patient, and that's what you deserve, too.
If you need a COVID test, book your appointment online or call 443-339-9713. We are happy to help you navigate your particular situation so you get the right test for YOU.
In health,
Dr. Kristin Tallent & The Shore Integrative Health Team
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The Shore Integrative Health Team
(443) 339-9713
508 Idlewild Avenue, Unit 5
Easton, MD 21601