GI Map Panel Explained

The GI map (Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus) is an innovative functional medicine stool test that was created to get a deeper understanding of how the GI system is functioning. It measures gastrointestinal bacteria DNA from a single stool sample with state of the art, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR or real time PCR) technology.

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What Is A KBMO Test?

The KBMO food sensitivity test (FIT test) is a way to understand what foods you might be reacting to. It is a very reliable test, as some food sensitivity tests are not. Food sensitivities happen when particles or food antigens cross the barrier of the gut lining.

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Insoluble VS Soluble Fiber

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the body. Fiber comes from the diet and can be soluble or insoluble. Soluble means it can dissolve in water, and insoluble means it cannot dissolve in water. Most plants contain both of these types of fiber.

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Hypertension: Natural Approaches and Solutions

One in every three adults has high blood pressure, or hypertension. Blood pumps through your circulatory system and causes a certain type of pressure. When this pressure against the artery walls becomes too great, it results in elevated force, leading to high blood pressure, or hypertension.

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The Difference Between Type I And Type II Diabetes

There are ways you can prevent diabetes. A lot of people think that just because you have the genetic tendency to develop diabetes that you’re doomed. This is not true. The genes predispose you, but if you try to prevent it from happening, you won’t necessarily “turn” the gene on.

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The Power Of Sleep

So many patients complain of not being able to sleep and that is NOT NORMAL. Sleep is vital to everyone's healing. It seems like we just lay there, but it is the time where the body is quite busy.

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Why Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat

The human body is made up of many different types of cells, organs, and structures. Every cell is lined with fat. The brain is composed of a lot of fat. Fat is important for our body to thrive. Actually, when we starve our body of fat, it actually goes into survival mode and does not allow us to lose weight.

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